Farriers Formula Double Strength

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Farrier's Formula® was developed to provide the nutrients needed to enable horses to build strong structural and connective tissue proteins (tendon, ligaments, bones, joints). Developed almost thirty years ago, it has always contained nutrients such as phospholipids, omega fatty acids, etc. that have only recently been recognized as important "players" to help produce healthy dermal tissues.

It has been the #1 recommended product by farriers in the U.S. for twelve consecutive years and is the "gold standard" by which imitation products are compared.

In every scoop of Farrier's Formula® there is thirty years of experience and research with numerous clinical studies and field trials.

11 pound bag

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Farrier's Formula® was developed to provide the nutrients needed to enable horses to build strong structural and connective tissue proteins (tendon, ligaments, bones, joints). Developed almost thirty years ago, it has always contained nutrients such as phospholipids, omega fatty acids, etc. that have only recently been recognized as important "players" to help produce healthy dermal tissues.

It has been the #1 recommended product by farriers in the U.S. for twelve consecutive years and is the "gold standard" by which imitation products are compared.

In every scoop of Farrier's Formula® there is thirty years of experience and research with numerous clinical studies and field trials.

11 pound bag

Farrier's Formula® was developed to provide the nutrients needed to enable horses to build strong structural and connective tissue proteins (tendon, ligaments, bones, joints). Developed almost thirty years ago, it has always contained nutrients such as phospholipids, omega fatty acids, etc. that have only recently been recognized as important "players" to help produce healthy dermal tissues.

It has been the #1 recommended product by farriers in the U.S. for twelve consecutive years and is the "gold standard" by which imitation products are compared.

In every scoop of Farrier's Formula® there is thirty years of experience and research with numerous clinical studies and field trials.

11 pound bag

How it Works

Farrier's Formula® provides the nutrient support that horses need to build strong connective tissue proteins. Connective tissue proteins are the microscopic framework of the mammalian body, giving form and strength to all major organs and tissues. Of all the protein in the body over 40% is connective tissue protein, making it by far the most abundant.

Connective tissue proteins combine to form fibers which may crosslink with adjacent fibers. The joined fibers' strength is dependent on the number of crosslinks. These crosslinks are chemically expensive for the body to produce. If the right chemicals in the form of nutrients from the diet are not present, fewer crosslinks can be made; the tissue being constructed or repaired will be weaker.

The hoof is connective tissue that depends on its many crosslinks for strength and resiliency. Thus, a strong healthy hoof can only be built through proper nutrition.

Within as little as two weeks of feeding Farrier's Formula® one should see a glossy, more deeply colored coat. By nine to ten weeks a new band of strong, healthy growth will be clearly visible at the coronary band, and the difference in the structure of the horn in the periople can be seen with the naked eye. Internal benefits, while more difficult to see, are just as dramatic.

Lasts Twice As Long As Original Farrier's Formula®

The nutrients in Farrier's Formula® Double Strength important for a healthy hoof are provided at twice the concentration compared to original Farrier's Formula® with the taste that horses love!

The 11 lb. nitrogen-flushed vacuum package or 11 lb. bucket deliver:

  • Twice the number of daily doses compared to original Farrier's Formula®.

  • A 60 day supply for a 1000 lb horse at the Adult Replenishment Feeding Level or a 120 day supply when feeding at the Adult Maintenance Feeding Level.

  • Added benefit of being more economical to feed compared to original Farrier's Formula®

Farrier's Formula® Double Strength is doping free and can be fed to competition horses.
Farrier's Formula® Double Strength is available in 11 lb nitrogen flushed vacuum bags

Farrier's Formula® Double Strength Feeding Instructions

Feed with a good quality hay and grain ration

Farrier's Formula® Double Strength should be fed with a good quality hay and grain ration. Eliminate any bran from the diet if possible. The phytate and phosphorus content of bran can alter calcium/phosphorus absorption or lead to other mineral imbalances.

Daily Feeding Level
One-half (1/2) standard measuring cup (119 ml) will deliver 85 grams of product. One cup (237 ml) will deliver 170 grams of product. Top dress or mix with grain ration.

Adult Replenishment
Top dress or mix Farrier's Formula® Double Strength with regular feed. For each 1000 lbs (450 kg) of body weight use one-half (1/2) measuring cup (85 gm) of product per day.

The length of time Farrier's Formula® should be given at the replenishment level is determined by the initial problem to be solved. If the goal is to improve health and appearance of the skin and hair, replenishment level should be continued for approximately one to two months. If the goal is to grow a long and flowing healthy mane and tail, the replenishment level should be fed until the mane and tail reach the desired length. The time required to completely remodel the wall, sole, and frog of the foot is approximately 9-12 months. Therefore, it is best to continue at the replenishment level until the foot is completely remodeled even though one will begin to see some difference in the hoof within two months.

 Adult Maintenance
After feeding Farrier's Formula® Double Strength for 6 to 8 months, the feeding level can usually be reduced by up to one half. If problems persist, resume feeding at the above "Adult Replenishment" feeding levels.

Each horse will be somewhat different. For example, some thoroughbreds and warm bloods may require the replenishment level continuously. Arabians and Arabian crosses may sometimes be maintained on 1/2 cup per day. It is important to keep all horses on a maintenance level to maintain good hoof health. Usually the same thing (genetic, environmental, and management factors) that caused the problem in the beginning will be present throughout the horse's life.

Body Weight : Daily Quantity

500 lbs (225 kg) : 1/4 Cup (42.5 gm)

 1000 lbs (450 kg) :1/2 Cup (85 gm)

 1500 lbs (675 kg) : 3/4 Cup (128 gm)

2000 lbs (900 kg) : 1 Cup (170 gm) 

Kevin Bacon's Hoof Formula
from $56.00